PAGES Award winners!

6th June 2024

We are absolutely delighted to be able to tell you that we are regional winners and runner up in the Primary Awards for Green Education in Schools.  The Primary Awards for Green Education in Schools are split into four regions (South/ Central; North, Wales and N. Ireland; Scotland) and there is a winner for each Award category in each region.  We entered the children’s work for two categories:  Green Researchers for projects researching any aspect of the environment – incorporated across the curriculum such as geography, science, maths, computing. and history and Green Creators for environmentally themed art, music, drama and poetry.  We are the regional winner for Green Researchers and a runner up in the Green Creators category.  Altogether we have won free access to Better Planet Schools website of resources and £700 which we will use to fund the children’s trip to Edinburgh Zoo.  

 We shared the work the children had done in the spring term, including the Polar Bear day and video, the penguin song and dance as well as our environmental t-shirts and our beach clean.  The work wasn’t done with the competition in mind but when we received notice about the competition we realised that what we have done already would fit in their criteria to promote understanding about the environment and environmental issues.
Primary Awards for Green Education in School
REGIONAL WINNER OF GREEN RESEARCHERS 2024 for the project 'Pollution is the problem - can we be the solution?'
The feedback from the judges was: 

"Almost 35,000 young people were involved in the creation of entries for this year’s competition.  It was fantastic to see the diverse approaches that schools in the UK are taking to delivering environmental education to their children.  The young people’s passion and commitment really shone through!  With over 270 entries received, being selected to win a Regional Winner’s award is a real achievement! 

This is an excellent and far-reaching project that really demonstrates how environmental topics can be used to create cross-curricular learning.  There is so much to enjoy about the children's work, with a real highlight being the video on polar bears.  It was great to see so much of their work too, as it really helped us to understand how much they had learned and how passionate they had become about making a difference."

Primary Awards for Green Education in School
REGIONAL RUNNER UP OF GREEN CREATORS 2024 for the project 'Pollution is the problem - can we be the solution?'
Our feedback from the judges said:  "What a lovely project!  The children have learned a great deal from the work on polar regions.  We loved their penguin dances!  And their t-shirt designs are really striking too.  With so many different elements to it, this project really showed how the natural world can be a fantastic focus for cross-curricular learning."