Clubs are up and running

14th September 2022
We now have clubs running every night after school 3pm - 4pm.  These are free for the children to attend.  
Mondays Miss Easten runs eco club where the children get to think and take action around caring for the environment and raising awareness of climate change and what we can do to help.  We recycle a lot of different things in school - please get in touch if you would like to know more.
Tuesdays Mrs Turner has started a run club.  You are welcome to attend with your child - it is a fun mix of running, walking and games (you can do as much or as little as you like!).
Wednesdays  Mrs Strangeways is running a gymnastics club.
Thursdays Mr Graham is running Commando Joe's club.
Fridays Mrs Simpson and Olive are running a relaxing art club.