Visit to Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh

13th May 2019
We had a very enjoyable and informative visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh.  It linked in very well with our previous learning about plants and also our current work on India (especially our work on the different spices). We were given a tour of the glasshouses by Viv.  She is part of the education team at the gardens and she gave us a fantastic workshop about 'Plants We Use'.  We were able to see lots of plants we have previously talked about in school:  bananas, 'chocolate', and vanilla as well as lots of other plants.  We found out that plants are used for more than just eating.  They also make material, rope, medicine, musical instruments, skin lotion and also scaffolding (bamboo) and more.  
To see our video about our trip see our photo / video gallery page.
Photos are below.