Parent Year Group Information about assessment

Children are assessed in school against age related expectations (ARE).  Teachers look carefully to see if the children are working at the expected standard of ARE (EXS), working towards (WTS) or at greater depth (GDS).  The teachers use independent work and examples of work over time to make their judgements.
Assessment is used to help the teachers plan next steps, respond to any misconceptions and encourage greater exploration in particular areas depending on what would be best for the child.
There are some external assessments throughout the year:
  • In Reception we carry out simple baseline checks in their first half term to find out what the children already know and what they can already do.  At the end of Reception we assess the children against the early learning goals (ELG).
  • In year 1 children will take part in a phonics checker in the summer term.  This is based on their ability to read words using the different sounds and digraphs they learn in their phonics and reading lessons.  Some of the words are nonsense words (sometimes called 'monster words' as if they were a monster's name).
  • Year 2 have Key Stage 1 SATs (see information below) in May.  The SATs papers are only one piece of evidence alongside the work they have completed over the year.
  • Year 4 have the online multiplication check which tests them on their times tables knowledge - this has to be inputted in just a few seconds each time.
For more information about assessment please see our Assessment Policy here.