Christmas Church Service and Posada

13th December 2022
Despite the extremely cold weather, we managed to make it to St John the Baptist Church in Lowick for our Christmas Service.  The children had the chance to ring the church bell which was a great experience as it has not been rung for a long time until it has now been mended.
Charlotte led a lovely service and has given the school a knitted Holy Family for posada.  The word posada means inn or lodging, and traditionally posadas are a celebration of the Christmas story. They take place on nine nights from December 16 to 24 and commemorate the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph's search for a place to stay where Jesus could be born.  Our little knitted family will be moving from classroom to classroom until it goes back to Church on Saturday at the carol service.
The children read and sang very well.  Despite the snow we were glad to have made it through and have the chance to worship together.