What makes our nursery different?

We are a small and friendly nursery where we get to know every child very well.  Being small means we can also be flexible around your needs.  We have reliable wrap around care from 8am in the morning to 5pm after school.  Despite being small we do a lot with our children.  Our provision is teacher led with a highly skilled team of staff planning and leading exciting and educational activities.

Come and have a look around and see what we can offer or come to our friendly Stay and Play on Thursday afternoons (1.30 – 2.45pm).   Our nursery and our schools have Facebook pages where you can keep up to date with what we are up to:  Lowick and Holy Island Nursery and Lowick & Holy Island CE First Schools


 Small in numbers but we are big in terms of space!  We have a great amount of space both inside and outside.  Not only do we have our nursery room and dedicated nursery outdoor area but we also have the school gym and use the space in the main school.  People are always surprised when they see how big our outdoor areas are – we have lots of outdoor amenities including our yard, a field with a trim trail, garden and willow walkways, a fairy garden, a ‘fire-pit’ field (for forest school) and the garden areas to the side of the school.  We have forest school afternoons in school and special Early Years forest school as well.  

 The children join in and mix with the main school children.  Nursery children come into the main school for snack time and lunch time and enjoy the company of the older children.  They all play together at break time and lunchtime and we are truly a village community.  The children are very caring and the nursery children benefit from learning from their older friends.  This means that when it comes to starting in school the children come happily into Reception as they are already familiar with the staff, the building and the other children.  To help this along, the older nursery children join in with Reception for their outdoor learning one afternoon a week in the summer term.


 Nursery children come swimming with the main school every Wednesday afternoon.  We believe that living near the coast and in a rural area that it is really important to support every child to learn to swim and be safe around water.  After swimming we have use of the sports hall at the leisure centre for PE and being active.

Nursery children join in with after school clubs.  The school has after school clubs every day – from art, sports, outdoor play, Lego (Duplo for younger children) and cooking. 


 Nursery comes on trips with the main school.  Our nursery children come along on the main school trips when it works for the children.  More recently they have enjoyed Northumberland Zoo, Lilidorei and Dynamic Earth.  Also, our school trips are free (the school and nursery fundraise and we use that money to help pay the cost).  Nursery children also went on their own trip to visit Busy Bees in Seahouses.  They like to get out and about!


 Our link with Holy Island.  Lowick school is federated with Holy Island school and we work closely together.  Nursery children will regularly come across to Holy Island with the main school and not only benefit from the dedicated EYFS classroom there and the great outdoor space (full size yard, field and garden), but also from visiting all the amazing places on the island including the beaches, the harbour and the nature reserve.


 Our nursery children also join in with the main school's Christmas production every year.  They have their own song and usually a little dance too - just to show off their skills!  This helps them build enormous confidence whilst making it fun.
On top of all that, are all the usual things you would hope for from a nursery for your child.  We have Boogie Beats and music, a focus on early reading with lovely books and story sacks and lots of activities carefully matched to the children's needs.