Learning from home overview
We are sharing this information and suggestions for learning at home during this uncertain time.
We are subscribed to the following online resources for learning:
(Log on information is already in the pupils' reading logs but reminders about passwords etc will be in pupil's bags as of 17th March, if you are unsure please contact the school office for advice).
Information about key websites are below.
Options for things to do away from the computer.
Scroll down also for Mrs Turner's active learning at home suggestions.
You will also find attached at the bottom of this page some home activity booklets from Consortium Education.
Northumberland County Education team have also provided a packed padlet with lots of links and suggestions across the curriculum too.
School 360
This can be accessed via the school 360 tab on this website and has a wide range of cross curricular resources and games, including things suitable for early years children.
See our new website page 'What to do on School 360' for guidance on which resources to use to complement our curriculum.
Sumdog is useful for both maths and spelling games. It also has options for reading (grammar and punctuation) and targeted multiplication, addition, subtraction and division games. Children need to click on the 'tasks' box with the chequered flag to access these different areas.
Children can log on to sumdog by putting in their user name (up to and including year 2 this is their first name, years 3 and 4 are using their initials). The password is sum and the school code lhi (short for lowick holy island).
Oxford Owl Reading
Children can log on to Oxford Owl using the 'My Class Login' at the top of the page. They need to input the user name lowick20 and the password lowick20. This will allow them to access a large range of reading books (they are search by age) or it will allow parents to access a resource area with videos and activities across the curriculum. This means that children will still be able to read (or listen to) appropriate books whilst at home.
Times Tables Rockstars
We are subscribed to this website for the older children (in Class 2). This allows children to practice their multiplication tables in a fun way.
Other useful websites
- Mathsframe.co.uk (for times tables and other maths games) – no log in required
- Linked to our current War and Peace topic there is information on primary homework help website on WW2 on evacuees and rationing:
o http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/evacuation.htm
o http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/rationing.htm
- Primary homework help has a range of activities across the curriculum, including science games on light and shadow: http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/revision/Science/lightshadows.html
- Primary art skills website has free resources set out by age with different ideas for each day. https://www.primaryartskills.co.uk/free-resources/
Active learning at home
Mrs Turner has kindly put together some active learning suggestions on this pdf which might help the children get outside whilst they are learning.
Home learning booklets by Consortium Education
Please see these booklets below. They are available as a pdf resource to download (and print) if wanted.
These are grouped by school phase - but please note that the Key Stage 2 booklet covers the age range 7 - 11 so not everything will be suitable for years 3 and 4. Each booklet is quite long so you might want to pick and choose which bits are appropriate and suit your child.
- Early Years activity booklet.pdf
- Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) activity booklet.pdf
- Key Stage 2 (years 3 - 6) activity booklet.pdf
Off line suggestions:
- Reading a variety of books and magazines, both fiction and non-fiction / listening to a variety of stories
- Writing or telling stories, adding to it and improving it over time.
- Keeping a diary – either as yourself or as an evacuee during WW2
- Making your own rationing books and trying out cooking with reduced ingredients (see information on the website listed above)
- Drawing illustrations to go with the stories or turning them into comics.
- Drawing and painting the natural world or the view from the window.
- For older children: writing out the times tables, practising written calculations for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. There are maths videos on our school website explaining how to do these calculations (under the curriculum information tab) www.lowickholyislandschools.org.uk/website/maths_videos/456732
- Get outside as much as possible and get active any way you can!